Native perennials are varieties naturally found in our local environment, making them well-suited for our area and also essential for many pollinators and wildlife. These 39 perennials are Native to our area and can often be found in Prairie Gardens greenhouses! (Please call ahead for exact availability before your visit.)
Anise Hyssop / Agastache
Beardtounge / Penstemon
Blue Star / Amsonia
Blue-eyed grass / Sisyrinchium
Bugbane / Cimicifuga
False Indigo / Baptista
Cardinal Flower / Lobelia
Coneflower / Echinacea
Foamflower / Tiarella
Foamy Bells / Heucherella
Goatsbeard / Aruncus
Golden Star / Chrysogonum
Hair Grass / Deschampsia
Jacob’s Ladder / Polemonium
Joe Pye Weed / Eupatorium
Little Bluestem / Schizachyrium
Milkweed / Asclepias
Moss Pink / Phlox subulata
Mullein / Verbascum
New York Aster / Aster
Northern Sea Oats / Chasmanthium
Obedient Plant / Physostegia
Orange Sunflower / Heliopsis
Phlox, Woodland / Phlox
Poppy Mallow / Callirhoe
Prairie Dropseed / Sporobolus
Purple Love Grass / Eragrostis
Rose Mallow / Hibiscus
Rush / Juncus
Sedge / Carex
Sneezeweed / Helenium
Spiderwort / Tradescantia
Sundrop / Oenothera
Sweet Woodruff / Gallium
Switch Grass / Panicum
Turtlehead / Chelone
Wandflower / Gaura
Wild Ginger / Asarum
Please call ahead for availability: 217-356-6532
Prairie Gardens & Jeffrey Alans
Extraordinary Gardening, Home Decor & More